Over/Under Estimate
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year but underestimate what they can do in ten years.”
I started my first business with my best friend before we were ten years old: D&A Lawncare.
We printed business cards, created a tier-based pricing structure, and landed a few jobs, though it was short-lived.
At age 13, I began geeking over music and copyright credits and was a musician and worship leader for years.
At age 25, I began my first entrepreneurial pursuit, a collision of everything mentioned above.
I always felt purpose, life, and destiny, even when the path wasn't clear, and I had no money.
Somewhere between then and now, I heard a man say, “You are how you are because of why you are.”
These days, it all makes sense.
My point?
Remove the limiting beliefs that your mind, other people, or bank account tell you.
Those aren't the truth, and they are lies.
You can write a new story simply by being who God made you, having faith to believe that He can move through you, and being a diligent student and worker.
- AC